
I am andruiman. I have educational background in theoretical physics and mathematics. During my professional life I got some experience in economics and blockchain. And currently I am a big fan of decentralized way to create systems and think of how the modern world should be organized to maintain humans personality and prevent them from any governmental or institutional control.

However during the last years I worked in applied formal methods to computer science. And the main field I work in now is smart contract formal verification. I do that being a cofounder of Pruvendo team. To perform that we use Coq proof assistant and a couple of self designed complicated libraries and even self created eDSL, which we call Ursus.

In my posts I am going to share my ideas about technology of verification, blockchains' abilities and modern technology evolution in general.

I will be glad to constructive advices and suggestions, which could be sent to...

Please note that site structure and some posts are still unfinished, please don't be angry about it :)